Description | Page 83 contains a list of accounts for works completed or sold (in most cases portraits but some prints) in 1887. The page has been divided into five columns which record the following: Column 1 - Blank Column 2 - Blank Column 3 - Name of sitter or work Column 4 - Blank Column 5 - Price paid, with total of monies received at the bottom of each page
Works recorded on p. 83: -Drawing of Lord O'Hagan made in 1876 -Royal Academy attendances -Pension as a retired Royal Academician -Painted Lord Salisbury of Lady Salisbury's jubilee present to the Queen -Replica of Archbishop Tait
Richmond notes in the entry for Lord Salisbury's portrait that Queen Victoria liked it so much that she desired to personally to express her interest in it, Richmond was presented to Her Majesty at Hatfield.
At the bottom of page 83 Richmond has recorded that he earnt £478.2.4 in 1887. |