Description | Page 72v contains a list of accounts for works completed or sold (in most cases portraits but some prints) in 1882. The page has been divided into five columns which record the following: Column 1 - Blank Column 2 - Blank Column 3 - Name of sitter or work Column 4 - Blank Column 5 - Price paid, with total of monies received at the bottom of each page
Works recorded on p. 72v: -Sold prints to Overbury of Mr Giles -Colnaghi of Earl Granville -Touching proofs of Arthur Mills -Touching proofs and copyright of Rt Hon. W. H. Smith M.P. -Touching proofs of General Bentinck -Made a copy of the Rev. Charles Forster fot his son, W. H. Forster, and charged fifty guineas only to save its being too great a favour, the only picture I painted this year -Touching proofs of Sir E Buxton -Sold drawing of Earl Carnarvon made in 1880 -Copyright of Keble to Messrs Kegan Paul & Co -John Murray for touching proof
At the bottom of page 72 verso Richmond has recorded that his total earnings for 1882 were £288.5. |